My First Day of Classes
My first day of class started at 8 o'clock. My English teacher arrived and introduced herself, her name is Gabriela Rodriguez del Aguila, she is kind, understandable and I got the impression that she would be a good teacher and we'll learn a lot with her. Then, she told us the importance of English in the world.
She taught us the class's rules like be responsible, keep the order in class; and also the necessary expressions that we must use in the right moments. Later, she continued making us remember what we learned last cycle like the "verb to be".
After all the introduction, the class started with the verb in past, for this, she put Ed Sheeran's song, "perfect", for us to sing it and then we made a dynamic dance so than we can differentiate and practice the verb in past, I have to say that this dance was really funny, it made us that we pay attention to the lyrics of the song. This exercise helped me to differentiate to much better the verb in past.
Finally, the teacher has one last activity, we had to write about our first day of class. To end the class, she left us a homework, choose one song, whatever we like, to extract the verb in past.
So pretty words, Thanks. Keep on the good job.